Today, my latest project for the Sage Grouse Initiative was released! This Science to Solutions report, Sagebrush Songbirds Benefit from Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration, summarizes research that assessed the use of sagebrush by songbirds after encroaching junipers were removed. The scientist evaluated conifer removal projects in the Warner Mountains of Oregon before and for three years after the junipers were removed. HeĀ found that sagebrush songbirds like Brewer’s sparrows and green-tailed towhees increased in abundance in the areas where junipers were removed. They also determined that hand-lopping and targeted removal of only the young, encroaching junipers in areas in early to middle stages of encroachment is the most effective way to maintain sagebrush and grasses allowing for more rapid recolonization of the areas. I summarized the science, wrote the report and managed the design and release of this great publication.